DOM Notes

Page section: posts

Targetting children

video at 1.27m

document.querySelectorAll('ul')[2].lastElementChild.textContent = 'Howdie';
document.querySelectorAll('ul')[2].children[2].innerText = 'Bonjour';

Add users

Adding an event listener to a submit and target to refer to the element that is clicked.

The code

First several querySelectors have been used to select the elements needed.

The default of a submit input is to send something to a server. So the e.preventDefault(); stops that.

Next an if statement checks that both fields have been filled in. If not a message appears but disappears again after 3 seconds.

When both field have been filled in the function first creates a new list item (li). This has a new text node added with the text collected from the form: nameInput.value and emailInput.value. This is then added (appended) to the ul with the id of users.

After this the form is cleared by assigning the variable values an empty string: nameInput.value = '';.

function onSubmit(e) {

    if(nameInput.value === '' || emailInput.value === '') {
        msg.innerHTML = 'Please enter both fields';
        setTimeout(() => msg.remove(), 3000); 
    else {
        const liMaker = document.createElement('li');
        liMaker.appendChild(document.createTextNode(`${nameInput.value} : ${emailInput.value}`))

        // clear fields ready for another input.
        nameInput.value = '';
        emailInput.value = '';

Using target

The target property refers to itself. The target is the button with the id of ibtn

const iBtn = document.getElementById('ibtn');
iBtn.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
    alert('no ' +;

Adding classes

Adding and removing classes with classList.



Using attribute selectors

This is similar to CSS but you have to use quotes around the attribute value.

const submit = document.querySelector('input[type="submit"]');

Having this makes it easy to change what the submit button says:

submit.value = 'sent';


Events can be added in JavaScript using addEventListenter('event')

  1. click
  2. submit
  3. mouseout

HTML Events

HTML events are added as attributes to HTML tags.

Note they all begin with on and they’re all lower case.

HTML attribute what triggers it
onchange An HTML element has been changed
onclick The user clicks an HTML element
onmouseover The user moves the mouse over an HTML element
onmouseout The user moves the mouse away from an HTML element
onkeydown The user pushes a keyboard key
onload The browser has finished loading the page

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