
Lists of resources

  1. Top 10 Websites to Learn JavaScript in 2022
  2. Top 12 Free JavaScript Courses and Tutorials for Beginners to Learn Online in 2022 a post on Medium.

Learn JS 😷🥺

  1. Tania Rascia has some great writing explaining JS from basic to more advanced stuff.
  2. Digital Ocean More from Tania, more comprehensive but no dark mode.
  3. Wikimass a good source with online coding editor. Sections on JS, jQuery, and JSON.
  4. Free Code Camp is a very good resource.
  5. JS for Cats is a short but comprehensive one page tutorial that covers JS basics in a clear and amusing way.
  6. MDN JavaScript Guide a guide for beginners giving an overview of the language.
  7. Tutorial Republic includes section: Basic, JS & the DOM, JS and the BOM, and JS Advanced
  8. nicely laid out and clear with a test at the bottom of every page. Rather brief overall.
  9. The JS Way a book in a website by Baptiste Presquet.

The Frontend Handbook has a great list of JS books and websites.


  1. Code Academy - The platform has various tracks, including a JavaScript track. Codecademy is a great place for newbies to get started learning how to code.
  2. Eloquent JS - a free online book broken down into three parts: language, browser, and node.

JS Reference and tutorials

  1. a complete course with a very good index making it easy to dip into specific topics.
  2. JavaScript Roadmap great interactive learning plan with links to info on each topic.
  3. Codeguage is an interactive course in 82 chapters with 58 exercises and 30 quizzes.
  4. Data Flair Tutorials comprehensive reference with several projects, a quiz
  5. W3 Docs a full, online ‘book’, to work through. Works well as a reference. Has code windows where you can type in code as you go.
  6. W3 Schools comprehensive intro from beginner to advanced. Some testing but the descriptions can be a little too terse at times.
  7. MDN tutorials and references tuts for complete beginners, intermediate and advanced.
  8. JS course beautifully designed course with quizes to test learning.
  9. Mastering JS is a tutorial site with a section on JavaScript fundamentals. Other sections include ES Lint, Node JS, Vue, Webpack, Mongoose and more.

Free video courses

  1. JavaScript Crash Course for Beginners is a comprehensive course, clear and eloquent that covers ground very quickly. Follow up videos start with 4 parts on the DOM. It’s part of Traversy Media which has lots of other stuff too.
  2. Dev Dreamer full tutorial is a 51 part JS course starting from complete beginner. UK based and started in 2021. I came across this course when looking for info on the Date() object and found his explanations very clear and knowledgable.
  3. Telusko’s Full JS Course for beginners seems like a good clear teacher from what I’ve seen. Has a bit of an accent but it’s not too bad.
  4. JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts beginner friendly and 3.5 hours long.
  5. JavaScript 30 by Wes Bos is 30 projects to do and learn from. Not for total beginners though.
  6. MS Channel 9 course is rather old (2012) with the last third on jQuery. But still a free video course so can’t complain too much.
  7. Scrimba nice minimalist screen for the console. Short courses (< 1hr) are free.
  8. Codedamn JS Basics with interactive coding and tests.
  9. Avelx 2021 a six hour video, UK guy main site
  10. Avelx 41 separate videos this course is from 2017
  11. Dave Grays JavaScript in 8 hours a single vid, made in 2021. The channel also has a shorter vids and much more on JS and other web technologies.
  12. Programming with Mosh has lots of JS stuff clearly explained by a seasoned pro.
  13. The Net Ninja has 4 courses on JS and much more besides:
    1. Modern JavaScript which is from 2019 in 6 videos of about 1 hr.
    2. JavaScript for Beginners in 47 short video. From 2015 so not so up to date but still very well explained.
    3. Object Oriented JavaScript in 11 parts
    4. Async JavaScript
  14. Florin Pop great selection of videos inc. Front End mentor series, basics (like array methods) and lots of projects (see his Codepen).
  15. Rob Miles: Begin to Code with JavaScript is a series of videos that accompany a book by the same name. The first 6 chapters are free and can be listend to as a podcast.
  16. Tutflix has a good list of usually paid for tutorials for free. However you need register with the site and use Googledrive to download them. You also have to like the course before downloading it and accept notifications. All in all a bit of a pain.
  17. Treehouse is a Youtube channel with a variety of JS vids inc. several beginner’s course up to 2.5 hours long.

JS projects

  1. FreeCodeCamp Beginner Projects
  2. JavaScript 30 by Wes Bos is 30 projects to do and learn from. Not for total beginners though.
  3. Codebubb’s 17 JS Projects for Beginners

Other Video channels

  1. Byte Grad has an Udemy course with lots of free content on his Youtube channel. Clear explanations and a good voice.
  2. Techsith clear tutorial on JS.
  3. DevSage has some very clear explanations on JS topics, Typescript, data structures Vue and more.
  4. James Q Quick has lots of stuff on JS inc. project to follow along to. Also stuff on Svelte.
  5. Jessica Chan aka the Coder Coder, very clear explanations and cool graphics.
  6. Monster Lessons Academy clear descriptions in both written and video format on a wide range of JS related topics and frameworks.

JS Code Snippets

  1. HTML DOM is a great set of snippets organised into basic, intermediate and advanced.
  2. 30 Seconds Of Code is not just JS but lots of stuff. The cheat sheets section is good including cheatsheets for CSS Flexbox, Git aliases, Bash and Regular Expressions.
  3. The Vanilla JS Toolkit is another great site with succinct code and explanations, for example local storage
  4. Single Line of Code is as it sounds. Vanilla JS and Typescript.
  5. Micro JS is a compelation of mini JS libraries.

JS Playgrounds

  1. JS Bin open source w a console too.
  2. JS Fiddle
  3. Dabblet with the distinctive red/yellow gradient background.
  4. Codepen great resource with a huge number of users.

See the Sitepoint list with descriptions of each.

Free API’s

  1. ApiPheny is a full website of API’s: finance, data, travel, sports, entertainment.
  2. Geeks for Geeks 20 Best Public API’s list of API’s with good introduction.
  3. Free for Developers has a list of API’s and much more.
  4. Rapid API described as the ‘World’s Largest API Hub’ with API’s in free, freemium and paid.


  1. Best Google font combos
  2. list of showcase sites
  3. Sarah Hyndman Youtube vids
  4. Free Frontend
  5. Code My UI design broken up into components.
  6. The Futur Academy Youtube channel on graphic design, logos etc.

CSS JS etc.

  1. Grid cheatsheet is much more than a simple list. Very interactive.
  2. Red Stapler
  3. with weekly resources article.

Online apps

  1. Shape dividers
  2. JS Hint paste JS into the online app to check for errors or download the CLI version.

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