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Comparion operators

symbol meaning Example
= assign as in let name = 'John';
== equals regardless of data type. So a string '10' would be be equal, == to the number 10. 5 == ‘5’ is true
!= does not equal regardless of data type. 5 != 5 is false
=== equals including the data type. '10' (a string) does not equal 10 (a number). 5 === ‘5’ is false
!== strict does not equal. Will be true if operands are equal bout of different types. 5 !== ‘5’ is true
<= less than or equals to 5 <= 5 is true
< less than 5 < 5 is false
>= greater than or equals to 5 >= 5 is true
> greater than 5 > 5 is false


let age = 60;

console.log(age === 60);

// returns true


let age = 60;

console.log(age === 60);

// returns true

Logical Operators

symbol meaning
&& means AND. Returns true if both operands are true
|| (double pipe) means OR. Returns true if either operand is true
! means NOT. Returns true if operand is false

If statements

The basic syntax is

if ( some condition ) {
    execute code
else {
    execute other code

Here is a real life example

const x = 10;

if (x === '10') {
console.log('x is 10');
else {
console.log('x is not 10');

Using or:

if (x < 5 || y < 7) {
    console.log('We can buy something');

The Ternary Operator

JavaScript operators work with one or two values. An operator that acts on a single value is called a unary operator and on two values is a operator.

The ternary operator is the only operator that works with 3 values. It uses just two symbols: a question mark and a colon and works like an if ... else statement.

The form is: some condiition ? if true : not true

The ? represents then and the colon : means else.

const tern = 'rhino' < 1100 ? 'extinction' : 'red list';
// if the score is less than ten have a cat otherwise have a dog.
const pet = score < 10 ? 'cat' : 'dog';


With many else if statements it can be more readable to use a switch statement instead.

const phyla = ['viverids', 'theropoda', ]
let x = 9;

const color = x > 10 ? 'red' : 'blue';

switch(color) {
    case 'red':
        console.log('colour is red');
    case 'blue':
        console.log('colour is blue');
        console.log('colour is neither red nor blue');

The default is used in case both of the first two conditions are not met. You can have multiple options here, for every colour for instance.