Forms 1

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This first post on forms is about the HTML rather than the JS. The JS is covered more in part 2


HTML forms are designed to send stuff to a server and typically the action attribute is added to some elements.

When used for purely front end purposes with JavaScript the default behaviour needs to be turned off:

function onSubmit(e) {

    // code to execute ..

Form elements

Some of these are rarely used:

  • <input> The most common and comes with lots of different types (below).
  • <label> Use to label a given element. Has a for attribute which links the label a correspoonding elements id.
  • <select> Used to create a dropdown list. Each item in the list is an <option>
  • <option> A child of the select element. The default is the one at the top of the list but another can be used by adding the selected attribute.
  • <textarea> A larger field that can be defined using the attriubes rows and cols or with CSS
  • <button> the standard button though <input type="submit"> is more commonly used in forms.
  • <fieldset> is used to group related form elements together. Works with ..
  • <legend> is for creating a caption for a <fieldset>.
  • <datalist> is similar to a select and contains a list of <option> tags. It is linked to an <input list="theropoda"> element <datalist id="theropoda"> When a user types in a word the most suitable option pops up.
  • <output>
  • <optgroup>
  • <search> a semantic container for a search form.

The <input> tag

The form element is a container that’s not visible. This container holds an <input> which comes in a variety of types. The most common ones are:

type description
<input type="button"> similar to above
<input type="color">
<input type="file> allow the user to select a file from their device
<input type="email> looks the same as text but the browser will check this is a valid email address and on a mobile display a keyboard with an @ symbol. Add the multiple attribute to allow multiple email addresses.
<input type="number> only allows numerical inputs. Use min and max attributes to specifiy a range. <input type="number" min="10" max="40">
<input type="password> hides the typed letters.
<input type="range"> A slider that outputs numerical values depending on the min and max attributes and the step attribute defines the minimum unit values.
The value attribute sets the position of the slider when the page loads.
To change the colour use the CSS property accent-color.
The orient attribute takes the value vertical to set the slider to a vertical layout in FF. For chrome and Safari use the CSS appearance: slider-vertical to achieve this.
<input type="radio"> radio buttons
<input type="reset"> resets all values on a form to their default values. The value attribute sets the text of the button. Without it will be reset.
<input type="search"> can use the minlength and maxlength attributes. The list attribute
<input type="submit"> a button typically to send form data somewhere
<input type="text"> field for short bits of text. You can set min and max lengths with the minlength and maxlength attributes. The size attribute sets the width of the field. Placeholder text is defined in the placeholder attribute.
<input type="url"> validates correct url syntax

The syntax is:

<input type="text" id="firstName" name="fname">

Here is input with type button: . The text "Press Me!", comes from the value attribute:

<input type="button" value="Press Me!">

See MDN for a full list of input types.

Different input fields

The <input> tag is the main substance of any form and these can be used with the optional <label> tags. The label tags are linked to the input fields using the for attribute which holds the value of the field’s id:

<input id="forValue">`

Choose your preferred mammal family?

You can only select one because they all have the same name attribute value (family in this case)

Oddly for email the input appears to be block level element.


These use the <select> tag which holds a group of <option> tags.

By default the first option is shown but to choose a different default add the attriubte selected to the option tag you wish to use.


The <textarea> tag is used for larger pieces of text but it is NOT actually an input field.

The <textarea> uses attributes of cols and rows to set it’s default size but these can be overridden with CSS.

You can use the placeholder attribute (as below) or put text in between the opening and closing <textarea> tags. Placeholder text disappears when you type whereas text between the tags does not.


  • autocomplete if on allows the browser to predict the term entered. <input type="text" autocomplete="on">
  • autofocus makes an input is set to focus <input type="text" focus>.
  • disabled prevents a form element from being used.
  • maxlength limits the number of character that can be entered: <input type="text" maxlength="50">
  • min and max work with numerical data and only work the the following input types:
    • number
    • range
    • date
    • datetime-local
    • month
    • time
    • week
  • multiple allows multiple files or multiple email addresses to be submitted with inputs of type file or email.
  • name in a group of radio buttons if they all have the same name value you can only select one at a time. Also name is used by the server and generally uses the same value as other attributes
  • pattern takes a regular expression value that the input value is checked against (See Kevin P vid).
  • placeholder is used for default text in the input box. It could be used as an alternative to the <label> element. <input placeholder="firstname lastname">
  • readonly prevents the value from being changed. <input type="text" readonly>
  • required when added to an input means the form cannot be submitted unless this is filled in. <input type="email" required>
  • size set the width in characters of an input field. input type="text" size="30">
  • step if step="4" then the only allowable input is numbers that are divisible by 4.
  • type is very important for input fields as it defines the type of field
  • value
    • in a group of radio buttons this allows the server to see which option we have selected
    • whereas in <input type="submit"> the value is used for the button text.
    • in <input type="range"> the value attribute is the page load, preset figure of the slider.
code for setting and saving the background colour

The HTML uses an input tag with type="color.

<form name="color">
    <label for="color-picker">color</label>
    <input type="color" id="color-picker">

The JS uses an event listener on the input tag which triggers an arrow function when an input is fired. This arrow function does 2 things:

  1. It changes the background colour.
  2. It creates or changes a local storage item called background-color with a value from the input.

The second function, setColor(), sets the background colour every time the page loads, by first retrieving the value from local storage. The last part, setColor(), runs the function runs every time the page loads.

    const colorPicker = document.getElementById('color-picker');

    colorPicker.addEventListener('input', (e) => { =;
    }, false);

    function setColor() {
        // alert('setting the color');
        let bgColor = localStorage.getItem('background-color') = bgColor;
        colorPicker.value = bgColor;

This only works on this page because the setColor() function only exists and is run on this page.

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