CSS Custom Props

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How do we set and change CSS custom properties (aka CSS variables) with JavaScript?

A modern CSS file often starts with something like this:

:root {
    --color: #ddd;
    --link-color: var(--btn-color);
    --accent-color: goldenrod;
    --bgc: #25c;
    --btn-color: #a15583;
    --btn-active: rgb(202, 173, 5);
    --bg-img: radial-gradient(circle at 30% -5%, white 5%, black 100%);
    --max-width: 1100px;

JavaScript comes with several methods to change these custom properties:


You can access the :root element in the usual way:

const root = document.querySelector(':root');

Example code

The following code is used to set the value of the --main-bg custom property in the :root element from an input type="range" slider element.

Whenever the slider is changed an event listener runs an arrow function which changes the number at the end of the slider and the value of the --main-hue custom property in the CSS.

const root = document.querySelector(':root');
const bgHueSlider = document.querySelector('#bg-hue-slider');
const hueNumBox = document.querySelector('.hue-num-box');

bgHueSlider.addEventListener('input', () => {
    hueNumBox.textContent = bgHueSlider.value;
    root.style.setProperty('--main-hue', bgHueSlider.value )

Change the background hue

  1. Scrimba video on Youtube.