10 Steps to Master Javascript

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This is by Tenzin on Youtube (see bottom).

So not necessarily in this order.

  1. Learn web fundamentals and JS fundamentals. Learn the JS basics.
  2. Solve algorithmic challenges. At least a hundred. 1 per day for 3 months. Do 50 easy 30 intermediate and 20 advanced. Try codewars, leadcode, hackerrank, FreeCodeCamp etc..
  3. Learn basics of Computer science. Fundamentals of computer science, can learn online. THe CS50 by Harvard. Free, good quality.
  4. Use a book, cover to cover, and understand all of it before moving on.
    1. You don’t know JS
    2. Eloquent JavaScript
    3. Effective JavaScript
    4. JavaScript Design Patterns
    5. JavaScript the good parts
  5. Learn asyncronous JS and the DOM:
    1. timer
    2. callbacks
    3. promises, async await, clossures
  6. Build a ton of projects
  7. OOP why does it exist and how does it work in Javascript? Learn prototypes, inheritance…
  8. Functional programming. How is it different from from OOP? This will help with concepts in React and Redux more easily.
  9. Learn more design patterns. Learn MVC, model, view controller framework. (The model is the state or data, the view is the UI and the controller links them both. A lot of apps are based on the MVC framework.) This will help you pick up any library or framework much easier because you understand the how and why.
  10. Learn one framework properly. One of the main problems these solve keeping the UI synced with the state which is really hard.

Other things:

  • learn testing
  • learn another language. This can change your mindset of how to solve a problem.

KEEP learning. Keep a beginner’s mindset. Teach.

You’ll never actually master Javascript.

This will take 1 to 3 years in a very focused way. Or 3 to 5 years in a more fun or casual way.

You don’t need to do all this to get a job as a developer.